Monday, April 16, 2007

Differences in Bibles

Question: Someone told me that there are differences between Catholic and Protestant Bibles. Is that true?

Answer: Yes, it is true. The Protestant Bible has 7 books less in the Old Testament than a Catholic Bible. Those books are: Tobit, Wisdom, Sirach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Baruch, Judith and parts of Esther (known as Chapter F in New American Translation) and Daniel (Chapters 13-14).
You can tell a Catholic Bible from a Non-Catholic Bible by looking for these 7 books in the Old Testament or by looking for a "Nihil Obstat" and/or "Imprimatur" in the title pages. These two words mean there is nothing against the faith in them and is found only in books of Catholic doctrine as an official okay from clergy in the Church.

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